Sunday, March 24, 2013

Boys and Girls No Strings Attached

I am currently watching Boys and Girls.  It is so late 90s/early 2000s.  It is ridiculous.  Oh Freddie Prince Jr - what would our lives have like without you!?!?

I did watch a really stupid movie this weekend.  No Strings Attached was so horrible, I can't believe my time was wasted for an ending that was beyond ridiculously stupid!  Seriously, it just went passed the point of being cutesy to the point of "ugh, I think I just vomited in my mouth a bit."  Anyways, the two main characters (don't ask me to remember their names, it was Ashton Kutcher and Natalie Portman) decide to make a deal to just have sex but they can't fall in love.  Barf, choke, gag through the copious sex to find out - oh, they are starting to have feelings for one another and have to break it off.  Blah, blah, blah....what is life without love?  Don't bother watching it.  You can watch A Walk to Remember and have a way better time and feel a lot better at the end. They make a similar pact, but it is regarding hanging out, not sex.

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