Sunday, March 17, 2013

The Rebound

Last weekend, I had my lazy weekend and I just bummed it.  I ended up finding a new show to love and a really funny movie.  The tv show, surprise, was a Discovery Channel Investigates show called: Who the &!*$/ Did I Marry?  It is a very interesting show.  One of the episodes that really pissed me off was this one where a lady had married a Cuban exile.  After a couple of years, he defected back to Cuba and helped lead an attack on a group of people that help Cuban exiles in their escape.  He turned out to be a spy and a jerk!  He went on national tv and said the thing he missed most about the US was his car.  His wife just gave it away after that; I, however, would have had cameras rolling as I demolished the thing and then sent that over to Cuba.  She was obviously way more mature than I am about the situation.  It is crazy how you can be deceived so much by the one person in the world you thought you knew the most.

I also watched a Catherine Zeta-Jones movie.  I absolutely LOVE Catherine Zeta-Jones!  So, I had to watch an episode.  It also has Justin Bartha in it; he is adorable.  The movie is about Sandy (Catherine Zeta-Jones), a suburban house wife that is obsessed with sports.  One day while doing the normal routine, she finds video of her husband cheating on her at their son's birthday party (the son wanted the video for show and tell and while burning a copy she noticed something in the background..oops).  She decides to move into the city, get a job, and become the woman she somehow got derailed from being.  She ends up hiring the guy, Aram (Justin Bartha), who works at the coffee shop below her apartment as a nanny.  He helps her move on from her broken marriage in more ways than one, while her and her kids help him move passed his fraudulent, dissolved marriage (duped by a girl looking for a green card).  As the relationship develops more, more reasons begin to crop up about why they shouldn't be together.  Whether they work it out or not it up to you to figure out by watching!   It is a cutesy little movie that will have you rolling on the floor laughing.  Some parts get ridiculously cheesy, but it does have some redeeming qualities.  Here is a small taste.

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