Monday, March 4, 2013

What's New Powerful Lady

I cannot even begin to say how much time I just wasted checking a twitter feed.  It only makes me realize I will NEVER get an instagram or a twitter account.  People get into the DUMBEST fights or say the stupidest things on there.  Not that I don't get plenty of freeform to make an ass of my self here on my blog or on my facebook; I just don't need to add two additional forums for idiot things to come out of my mouth.  I laughed, but at the same time, I hung my head in shame to see someone comment on an instagramed photo of someone standing with the First Lady and her kids: "Is that your family?"  Seriously, I hope that person did not vote this last election!  No wonder our country is in shambles, we have people who don't even recognize members of the Presidential family. ugh. :(   Please, go read a book or watch a PBS documentary (both are free), although even they have sunk so low as to have Ryan Seacrest narrate a documentary.  *Hangs head in shame*

Speaking of books, I finished Lives of Extraordinary Women: Rulers, Rebels (and What the Neighbors Thought) by Kathleen Krull.  It was a very interesting look at famous women throughout history and how their lives changed the world; whether for the better, or worse.  I found it extremely interesting that both Marie Antoinette and Catherine the Great were both female leaders that cared about the oppression and poor treatment of peasants; however, both of their reigns of power led directly to the bloody revolutions of their countries.  It was also impressive to see (and I do love the musical) how the government of Argentina collapsed after Eva's death (another female leader concerned with the needs of the impoverished).

I kind of want to travel to Buenos Aires just so I can sing this song when I get there :D

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