Sunday, March 31, 2013

Cause I Been Through the Flatland in a Car with No Name

Ahem - "internet" silence is over finally.  I had the most amazing time!  I spent way too much time in a car, but the views, hiking, horseback riding, and the chance to visit some family that I haven't seen in YEARS were all worth the pancake butt.  The saddle-sore began to compete with the pancake butt towards the end.  It was a fantastic time and I will for sure recommend a trip to The Inn at Riverbend.  The bed and breakfast is stunning: the view is unbeatable and the breakfast was mouthwateringly delicious.

At Glencoe Museum
We had a great time hiking to Cascade Falls and then riding through the wilderness at Winterfrost Farm in Radford.  Speaking of Radford, we met the awesomest guide at the Glencoe Museum in Radford. Glencoe was the first place we visited (after not sleeping for close to 30 hours) and Robert was such an amazing guide!  At the end, he offered for him and his wife to take us out to dinner some time while we were in town.  We never got around to it, which is sad, because he had some amazing stories to tell!

Cascade Falls
  We did get a chance to eat at The Bank and it is a really nice place.  The food is phenomenal and worth the pricey tag.  Heck, I probably would have eaten the honey butter by itself - it was THAT good.  The set up is a little awkward at first, but once you get to where you are eating, it has a very charming ambiance. They have framed photos of the town in the past and articles from the building's past as a bank: money bags, checks, deposit slips. The local brews and ingredients made the dinner a cultural experience as well.  I've also never been in a restaurant that was so nice that the chef came out to check on us and see how we were enjoying our meal.  Probably why I got caught patting my food baby by the waitress as she ducked into our alcove!  I'm really classy - heck, if you ate that 2 inch thick pork chop, you'd have had a food baby too!
Sunrise view from our room

 The drive from Virginia through Tennessee to Kentucky was forever long.  I know that might sound a little stupid, but that was the way we were told to go to get to my family in Kentucky.  I couldn't pass up an opportunity to see the boy that gave me my first hickey and peed on me at the same time (he was a baby, like days old, at the time).  I guess I can say I came back refreshed, happy, and a bit sore.  There was no time to watch anything new.  We watched part of Pride and Prejudice before passing out and I had watched a few episodes of Awkward while my travel companion napped.  The title is inspired by listening to America's Horse With No Name while driving through Illinois.  My co-pilot had mentioned the fact that we hadn't named our rental car; we then listed the names of our cars.  Our little Mazda2 never did get christened, so I changed the America lyrics to my own while driving through the Land of Lincoln.

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