Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Testing Out Stranger Danger

I was feeling testy today.  And the bad sort of testy. (lol - I have such a dirty mind.  That last sentence just made my mind go to a dark place).  I mean all the bad weather had me feeling somewhere between grumpy and giddy.  To start, we were supposed to have about 5" of snow by morning.  I woke up at 7 and it wasn't even snowing, neither had it snowed during the night.  I thought: "5 inches, they said, 5 inches my ass" (again, mind just went into the gutter - tonight is apparently not a higher level thinking night).  I turned around 5 seconds later and the snow is coming down like crazy...it has just stopped within the last hour.  I then proceeded to leave the house with my snow boots, I realized once I got to my car that I had left the dress shoes I was going to wear at work next to the door.   Almost no one came in today.  When I had gone home for lunch, I ended up putting on the dress shoes that were sitting by the door out of habit.  Needless to say, my feet realized, about the time they hit the 5-6" of snow, that I had forgotten my boots this time around.  Ugh. I then got to come home to finishing my state taxes.  I am getting less than $20 back from the state.  Woohoo.  It pretty much wasn't worth me wasting the time to figure it out, print it out, and mail it in to the government.  Stupid. To make matters worse, while looking for articles on Mercola.com, I came across and article about a 15 year old boy that developed a cheap and simple test for detecting pancreatic, lung, and ovarian cancer.  It made me feel highly NOT productive.  I know that grammar is wrong; however, I feel like a dunce when I think about  the amazing thing this kid has accomplished and his voice hasn't even dropped yet. 

I do have to say there were a few light moments during the day.  While shovelling in the snow, the pristine white snow falling made me think of "snowflakes that stay on my nose and eyelash."  Thus began a little hum fest while shovelling the front walk clear.  I also did a creeper thing today.  I noticed a mother, leaving my building, about to walk her two kids to school in the nasty snow this morning.  I stopped them and offered a ride (I drive right passed the school every day) and I was privileged to meet Maria, Maria, and Jose.  I felt a little like "Stranger Danger" since there mother was with them.  I feel a little badly that the mom had to still walk home in the snow after I dropped them all off at the school.   I also got in an hour worth of yoga.  That always makes me happier and calmer. 

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