Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Let's Talk About Sex/Love?

So, the last couple of days have pretty much been rants, and I'm gonna follow it up with another rant.  As my trial "special" brownies bake (I tried making mint chip, caramel pretzel, and tropical).  Umm, YUM! 

Anyways...the bachelor topic at work this week was about how whiny and desperate the one girl looked as she dissed the guy for telling her all of these lovey-dovey things and then not picking her. Someone said: "duh, you were in the one-on-one suite, he wanted ass."  Another person said: "She is just making herself look bad, she should have just shut up.  I think she has some issues."  While I understand where they are coming from, I find it disgusting.  I feel sorry for the girl and I applaud her at the same time for calling him on his lies.  A) the one-on-one suite disgusts me and B) just because you are horny, doesn't mean you get the right to mess with some one's emotions.  I made it known that I found it absolutely disgusting that there is such a thing as a "one-on-one" room which is basically for "getting to know each other better" *achem, sex.  I was immediately told that that is the way of the world.  It may be the way the world works and probably the reason we have people with porn and sex additions and the inability to remain faithful.  If the way the world works is like the bachelor/bachelorette, this is the way it would be: it is perfectly alright to declare your love in exchange for sex and the next night, say the same thing to some other person for the same reason.  No wonder people cheat, have affairs, get divorced, and spend astronomical amounts on pornography: WE THINK IT IS NORMAL!  I don't think anyone should have to worry about if their partner is sneaking around, doubt the sincerity of some one's declaration of love because someone else have already cheapened the word, if the person they love would rather spend their time watching someone else on a screen or around a pole than being at home with them (even doing the wild thing), or worse yet, taking everything you hold dear and smashing it to pieces when you realized the one thing you thought was real in the world was all just an illusion.  People need to realize the world isn't all about them.  Life gets messy when you let other people in, especially when you let your heart open up to them.  It isn't a fairy tale love story; it is hard work and dedication to the one person you committed yourself to in a relationship.  Most of all, don't believe the lies that "this is the way the world works."  You do NOT have to accept that as a universal truth.  People may call you naive (or say that you have issues), but someone worth waiting to hear those words from (someone who says it without hope of anything in return) is better than hearing a million different hollow voices saying: I love you (all so their pleasures are satisfied).

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