Relationships: I honestly love my friends and family. Sometimes it just pains me when I can see the disappointment on their faces. I guess it isn't really disappointment as much as pity. They want me to be happy and to them that means having me wrapped around a man. I wouldn't honestly mind if I found a guy I liked. I just haven't yet and I refuse to use people just to have a filler until I do find "the one." My grandpa had a cheeky grin on his face as he told me his male attendant was "tall and handsome." Oi. I swear, between my grandpa and his roommate, I'll be a June bride. haha. My dad seemed slightly excited when he thought that my facebook post about having a "good night with Sam Weir" was about a date and not my staying home on a Saturday night watching a cheesy 1999/2000 tv show. My brother told me the other day I needed to work on getting married. I said: "Ok, what would you like me to do to fix the situation?" To which he replied: "Well, the boy is supposed to make the move, so I suppose you just have to wait around some more." I just giggled to myself. I guess I should be happy so many people want to see me happily in love.
Health: I'm working and working. I seem to have hit a plateau, but I'm continuing at working out 6 times a week. Hopefully I'll have a 6 pack to rival my brothers soon - oh, I can hope. They are both on "diets" right now. They make me laugh. They won't split a cupcake with me even though I'll have to do a hard workout session to burn half of it off and they could burn the calories off just by chewing it. Ugh!
Career: There is a lot going on at work recently. We are adding some new stuff to our business and I'm a bit stressed about how it is all going to work and how much extra work is going to be put on me because of said changes. I'm so happy I'm going on vacation next week - yay! Hitting up a state I have never been to before: Hello Virginia! I am also really excited/nervous about doing yoga teacher training this May! I'm constantly plagued by self-doubt and I'm freaking out that I might just suck terribly! I have to remind myself that this is something that I love and want to share with other people. I want to be a tour guide/travel host/yogi/writer/baker/a peon at TOMS shoes/and a helper to those in need (I feel like I may end up like Josephine Baker with a 'tribe' of adopted kids). Here is to dreams and heading down a new path - "tread new ground" and may I be brave enough to do it always!
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