Monday, March 18, 2013


I have been such a slacker this year when it comes to reading.  I just don't have time anymore.  I used to read on my lunch and prior to going to bed.  Now, I spend my lunch with my grandfather and shoveling food in as fast as I can before having to rush back to work.  At night, I typically fall into bed and pass out, and that is usually because I have already stayed up way passed when I should have already gone to bed.  On the weekends I'm lucky if I can even begin to look at a book - I have been that busy lately.  I think I may get some time to read tonight before I am just pass out.  I had a goal of reading 45 books this year...I'm thinking it isn't going to happen.  Although, it is a possibility that once the weather gets a little nicer I can do a whole lot more walking and listening to audiobooks. Here is to meeting my goal of getting to 45 books this year and not being such a slacker!

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