Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Inside Voice

There were so many things I wanted to write about tonight.  I just got so derailed.  I even had something to write about last night; however, the internet decided not to work last night.  I am writing this from my parents' place since I had to come over and have my mother sign my sister up for the color run.  I started helping with homework and now I'm tired and drawing a blank.  I just need sleep.  Hopefully, it will be blissful, undisturbed sleep.  I've decided I'm just going to start responding to all the things the guys downstairs say that is loud enough for me to hear.  This morning, one said: "Oh my God, oh wow, OH MY GOD."  To which I responded: "Was it really all that good?"  Later I heard one of them saying: "No, It's ok.  I'm fine."  It only made my sassy remarks all the more funny!  This was after a night of listening to them titter like pre-teens at a slumber party until 1am.  Seriously?!?  Go to bed...or learn what an "inside voice" is and how to utilize it properly!

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