Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Backpack...No, not Dora's

Oh how I am sick of hearing about the Boston bombings.  Honestly, when I first heard about it I thought about some sick loner, not a terrorist.  Maybe it was just me trying to be hopeful and not wanting every little thing that happens in the world being considered an act of terror.  No one thought about terrorists (Islamic, let me clarify that) when the Oklahoma City bombing happened.  We didn't think that it was anything but a sick freak that figured out how to make a bomb with fertilizer.  We like to add "terrorist" to everything that causes fear.  I am not saying that the people caught aren't the ones responsible for the bombing in Boston or even that mistakes in the media aren't made.  Heck, Zoey Deschanel's name was put up under the suspect on one news programs.  This little link just makes you think about what is happening.  It reminds me of Hodgins on Bones and all of his conspiracy theories (he'd be all over the theories swirling around about the bombing).  I really hope that two innocent men weren't just used by the government or other forces with money to get what they want.  I wasn't any where near Boston, so I don't even begin to understand what happened.  While I see the reason you'd want to injure a vast amount of people, especially at a fitness event, to cause a lasting terror for people (losing a limb and potentially the ability to ever run again); I, however, don't understand why a terrorist organization wouldn't do something more.  It is just my opinion, but if I were a terrorist, I'd say "go big or go home."  Those lost in Boston are very tragic loses of life and, in some cases, limb(s), but it pales in comparison to 9/11 and even the Oklahoma City bombing.  Anyways, I am completely out of my depth when it comes to this stuff.  I'm not saying the information in the link is true or not, it is just an interesting perspective on the bombings, who is being blamed, and what happened as a result of the incident.  It looks to me like both of the men deemed suspects didn't have backpacks on that looked nearly full enough to be containing a pressure cooker, but pictures can be deceiving and even edited now (thanks technology).

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