Monday, April 8, 2013

Scorpion Queen

I have decided it is a goal of mine to be able to do the scorpion pose by the end of the year.   I'm really rather excited about this challenge.  The last two mornings I have gotten my butt of of bed and started working on the moves to work up to the scorpion pose.  What can I say, I saw this pose in a book and I became obsessed with it.  Just look at that BAMF skill.
This is what scorpion looks like:
So until I am BAMF enough to pull this off, I've been doing forearm planks, dolphin pose, and single leg dolphin pose.  Surprisingly, it was already getting a little bit easier this morning.  That is just working on getting to the forearm stand.  Once I master that, then I can add the bend.

Oh, I like making challenges for myself!

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