Monday, April 15, 2013

A Triumph for Love

Sometimes I don't know what is up with the world.  Today is Jackie Robinson day and the day my very first niece may come into the world; oh, wait, don't forget to make it tax day and add a bombing at the Boston Marathon!  Seriously?  As if the tax day wasn't enough!  I seriously wish the world could just take a chill pill.  It isn't really my personality, so I guess it don't come close to understanding, but how can there be people in the world that are just filled with so much hate?  Hate, hate, hate - I hate hate. It is good to get angry from time to time; then you let it go/work through it.  I rather remember this day as a day that love and compassion triumphed over hate, anger, and ignorance.  Love to those of Boston, especially the those that lost someone or a part of themselves.  Help these people to have the love around them to rise above the hate that was shown them. 

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