Sunday, April 21, 2013

Just a Little Bit of Stupid

So I was all worried about injuring myself prior to going for my yoga training.  Guess what I did!  I hurt myself. Like, hey idiot, put your finger in the hand held blender and accidentally hit the button.  Luckily, there was lots of cookie dough stuck to the blade and in the little cavity area.  This stupid incident has now taken away my right to say: "I've never had any broken bones or stitches."  I honestly can't believe this happened!  I know better than to stick my finger in there.  I guess I will just always have a scar on my finger to remind me not to do idiot things.  3 stitches and an hour and a half in the emergency room later - lesson learned!  I swear, I have gotten more clumsy/clutzy/accident prone in these last couple months than I have been in my whole life!  This was the second time in about 2 months that I had to go to urgent care/the ER to get care for a deep cut.  I hope this is my bodies way of getting all this stupid crap out of the way BEFORE I can no longer be on my parents insurance.  I got about 4 1/2 hours of sleep last night and then I got up and made my french toast bake, another (this time successful) batch of cookies, and some bath salts for my brother and sister-in-law.  Now, I am exhausted.  I watched a really cute movie called Sassy Pants.  I'll have to write more on it later - more to come when I have had more sleep and don't have a huge bandage that makes typing a pain in the tuckus. 

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