Tuesday, April 9, 2013


So, I know April showers are supposed to bring May flowers; however, right now, all these April showers are only making me want to roll over and pull the covers over my head.  It seems like there has been nothing but a constant downpour since Monday morning.  Sure, it lightens up a bit from time to time, but not much.  Right now, I'm waiting to leave my parents' home because the rain is just pounding down.  I don't even want to attempt the 6 feet from the garage door to my car.  Not to mention, every one in the area, except for all those already awake, got a rather stormy alarm clock this morning.  There was a flash of lightening so bright I thought I had imagined it (and this was with blinds drawn and eyes closed) that was a followed by thunder so loud that it shook everything.  My bed shook, the wall hangings rattled, and the skies grumbled.   EVERYONE that I saw today asked about the thunder and if I had felt it too.  Yup, I did.  So please April showers, bring these May flowers real soon.  If it really is supposed to rain all week and potentially drop a mix of snow and rain on Friday, you owe us that much!

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