Tuesday, April 23, 2013

May the Force be with You

I am tired and crabby.  This day has sucked!  It started out so nice with a 3 mile walk listening to all the birdies chirp.  Now it has ended with going to the doctor (after I was told to get in to see him since I pulled a stitch) and getting a band aid in addition to the news that my grandmother is not doing well and isn't expected to last long.  Seriously, I'm leaving the country in a week and I have nearly sliced off my finger and now have the news that someone very dear to me isn't going to last very long.  I'm waiting to wake up from these last couple days and find that this has all been a very bad dream.  Oh life, sometimes I think your forces are just against me!  Can we just give me a little more good news than bad every once in a while?  I know there are a whole lot of people who would rather see puppies playing and good things happening on the news for a change.  Through all this bad news I will try to see the good.  Note, I said "TRY."

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