Thursday, April 18, 2013

The "L" Word

Relationships:  Well, I am an auntie.  Life is pretty great!!!!  I cannot wait to see her this weekend.  I guess I've also managed to make someone fall in love with me.  At least that is what I have professed in a text message.  I'm not taking it too seriously; the last guy to put the "L" word in writing didn't mean it at all.  It is really ok, because I look back and am disgusted at what low hanging fruit I was willing to grab at.  I don't have that much against this poor guy, I just don't know him at all, nor am I attracted to him.  Boy, two years ago I had no prospects and now I have the "L" word being thrown around by a guy I only like as a friend.

Career/Health:  I'm getting super excited and nervous for yoga training.  I still have quite a bit of studying to do before I hit the mat to begin my 200 hours of training.  Eeck!  I also found out today, at my real job, that I will be responsible for dipsticks too.  Joy!

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