Tuesday, April 16, 2013


So I am almost finished with.... Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter by Seth Grahame-Smith.  Bet you weren't expecting that book!  It isn't like I have mentioned about 40 books that I have started and not finished as of yet.  I'm sort of cheating with this book.  It is an audio book and I have been listening to it a good amount while I clean and go for walks.  Tonight I got a wonderful hour long walk.  I even got to spend some time watching a beautiful sunset and watching/listening to all the wildlife.  A little black duck popped up pretty close to where I was, a hawk flew by, and there were the lovely sounds of a loon echoing across the lake. The sunset was indescribably beautiful, but I'll try:  soft yellowy rays streaking out from behind a few clouds to reflect off the lake.

Anyways,  I still am putzing along with a few of my other books.  I still have a long way until Avalon is finished.  I am happy to say though, that I will soon be finished with the Why We Say It book as well.  That book just makes my mind spin.  Sometimes I understand where they are coming from, sometimes I want to say BS, and sometimes I feel like the "answer" you get is a bit of a "dog chasing it's tail" (meaning, it uses a lot of words in a confusing manor and you just leave scratching your head).

I am currently making some applesauce.  I am trying it with half the amount of sugar and a bit more cinnamon.  I also had a bit of an inspired moment in the kitchen this last week.  I don't really have a recipe because I just added things to the bowl, but I made some killer "Almond Joy" cookies.  I started with a basic chocolate chip recipe and then I began to add things.  I had a bag of coconut flake on the counter and so I added a handful or two of coconut, a splash of almond milk, and about a tsp of almond extract.  This is how good they were: my little brother declared that he didn't like almond joys, so he wasn't going to eat any...until he ate about a dozen!

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