Hard at Work |
I went with my sister last Friday to
Paint Bar in Madison. We got a Groupon to a "Freestyle" painting session. The freestyle session are pick your canvas and paint whatever you want; unlike the classes where you get taught a specific painting. Our Groupon also came with a pizza to split (we got the margarita pizza and it was delicious beyond words).
Our yummy pizza |
We ended up staying two hours working on our paintings. I choose a sunset picture from my first trip to Puerto Rico as inspiration and my sister just free-styled a beautiful fall scene (she's an artist)! We even made their facebook page! I had a ton of fun and was extremely surprised by how well I did. I mean, my sister I knew was going to crush it; the last painting I did was in the 7th grade and it looked like crap. I was honestly nervous when they put the canvas in front of me and handing me some paint and brushes.
Finished Painting |
This is an event that I'd highly recommend to anyone. It's just a fun, relaxing evening. My sister and I got to work, enjoyed some tea and pizza, and walked away with gorgeous art work by us! I really liked the free-style. They have a wall of inspiration that has directions for how to complete each work, but it was fun picking something I wanted and painting it. I picked one of my favorite pictures from Puerto Rico and it's magical sunsets.
The Inspiration |
My sister is probably getting very annoyed with me, because every day I look at my painting and go: "Dang, that painting is BEAUTIFUL!" Lol. I think the classes would be fun too and a different way to enjoy painting in a group setting. We so often lose touch with our creative side; and too often creative people can become reclusive :) Good activity to bring the both together.
Fall Path by EW |
Her painting reminds me of Europe. I love fall and all the colors. She did a fantastic job just painting from her mind. I had a picture in front of me the whole time to reference. I'm proud of us!
I talked to the two ladies helping us. I am thinking of doing Yoga and Event days like: yoga and painting, yoga and a mani/pedi spa day, yoga and glass blowing, yoga and hiking, yoga and rock wall climbing, etc. They seemed really excited about it and gave me their bosses name; they said they loved the idea and they thought their boss would too!