I feel I have spent too long at a desk today. Ugh - I wish didn't have to come back to Wisconsin. This cold, rainy weather makes me want to crawl back into my bed and dream of Puerto Rico. New mission in life: Live part of the year in Scotland and part in Puerto Rico. I was told/warned that I was going to love it so much I wouldn't want to leave. If I had a place to stay, I think I would have really been tempted to stay. Not the first time I've done something completely crazy.
Really, who wants to leave this?!? |

I had so much fun paddle boarding and surfing and snorkeling and doing yoga and not starring at a computer screen all day. Not to mention I found Puerto Rican equivalents to Max from DWTS and Zach Effron. The sun was amazing, I had adorable puppies to keep me company, and some pretty awesome new experiences. I surfed on my birthday! I told my teacher, Robert Ferrer, who is the best by the way, "I never expected to do this, ever, in my life. I saw it in a movie when I was little and thought it would be really fun and now I'm here, doing it!" I also danced with completely strange men. I had one guy tell me to move my ass. I was slightly offended, but not too much. He quit dancing with me because I pretty much decided not to move anymore after that comment. A) I can move my butt and damn well B) I shake it when I want to, not when some dude is telling me to "move it" C) I had just gotten in that morning at 2:30 and it was late at night when I really wanted my bed instead of a dance partner. Jose, the next guy I danced with didn't seem to mind. I did hit him with my hat brim, accidentally. Hahaha, I had to turn my hat around backwards to keep dancing without incident. I can't help it, I find grinding just awkward. What is even the past tense of that: He ground on me/he grinded on me/he was grinding on me. Ok, the last one sounds the best. Turns out, everyone actually from town thinks that this guy and his friend Ryan are really undercover cops. That would probably explain why Jose first introduced himself as Josh. Lord only knows. I got up and rode several waves all the way! Woot. I also got burnt to a crispity crisp. Good thing we had done the mountain biking the day before because all that chafing would have killed me! I was already dying - I'm more of a ride bike for errands around town, not a ride bike far distances for fun. 15 miles is more than I ever want to do again. Ok, I may try it again. Just with less heat, more water, and a little more build up to that great of a distance. My chain also popped off on the corner where the iguana lives. If I had known that giant thing was near by, I'd have run with the bike away. I have to say I am proud for doing things I never would have before - I totally "yolo-ed" a few times. That rope swing was scarier than looking down and seeing a jellyfish between my legs. Yes, that one did sting me. Thank God it was just a tiny brush against my knee. It could have been worse!
Surfer Eye-Candy |
I did watch a movie while in Puerto Rico! It was called
Broche de Oro (Wave of Gold). It was a really cute movie. I teared up at a few places. I even understood parts of it. I definitely didn't get all of it, but I did get a good chunk of it. The movie is about a young boy/man who breaks his grandfather and his grandfather's two friends out of their strict Catholic retirement home for a day. It accidentally turns into a 2 day excursion when the tires on their car get slashed. Bonds are made stronger between generations and love is discovered in all sorts of places! A very entertaining way to spend a night in Puerto Rico. The surfer eye-candy wasn't all that bad either. It is a feel good comedy of sorts. I very much enjoyed the movie.
Sounds like you had a blast grinding under cover cops. Now I know why you want to go back. HAHHAHAHAHAHA
ReplyDeleteCaught me! :D