Sunday, October 28, 2012

Expecting Friends

I had a pretty amazing weekend!  I for sure can't complain.  Baking on Friday slipped by really quickly and then Grandma and Grandpa B were here!  We had my birthday dinner and ate rather soupy ice cream cake.  I won't complain, it was good no matter what!  Then, I got all dressed up as a bitten surfer and went to see The Brother's Quinn play a show.  My two friends and I were the only people dressed up, besides the band, for the longest time.  Some other people dressed up finally came in a little later on - it helped us feel a little less like fools.  Then Saturday was spent with the family in the car. First, grandma, mom, and I went to Vinnies and found lots of good things.  I got a ton of books.  When I got to the register, I was happy to find that books were half off!  SWEET DEAL!  We then roamed from place to place picking up grandparents, having lunch, going to my brother's place, having nice, warm potatoe soup for dinner, and then movies with my sister and friend.  We got What to Expect When You're Expecting.  Then we watched part of Warrior before calling it a night.  Today, after church, I had to say goodbye to Grandma and Grandpa B.  I wish they didn't have to leave.  I will see them this weekend again, but it doesn't mean that I felt I got enough time with them this weekend.  My friend and I then spent the afternoon shopping (I bought way too many beachy scented candles at Bath and Body Works - I have Oceanside burning beside me right now), spray painting furniture, carving pumpkins, drinking wine, and watching Friends with Kids.

What to Expect When You're Expecting is a hilarious movie.  I still can't see myself having a child, however, this movie was just spectacular though.  The movie follows several couples that all overlap somehow, who find themselves "expecting."   One couple is adopting, one is pregnant after years of trying and finally deciding to stop trying, one was an accidental pregnancy, one was a happy surprise, and one was just easy in every way.  All of the couples face many different challenges while learning to accept, grow, and change with all the developments that occur while developing a baby: the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly.  The "Dudes"Group scenes are my favorite part of that movie. 

Friends with Kids is another hilarious movie covering how having kids can be complicating.  This movie follows two friends that see their friends having children and seemingly falling apart.  They, unwed and not seeing anyone, decide that they should just get the "having the kid" part of a relationship out of the way.  This way, when they meet "the one," the romance isn't killed by having a kid.  They still have the joy of having a child, but they don't have all the other complications.  They end up having a son together and all of their friends are astounded that they somehow make everything work so well.  Both begin to see other people; however, complications begin to pop up and they must decide what is best for their son. 

*Just a side note: since when has it become socially acceptable to put porn in movies.  The Kids are All Right and Friends with Kids both had scenes with porn fully being shown on the screen.  Really?  Is this necessary?  Gay porn, threesome porn, watching porn while attempting sex...I really didn't sign up for seeing that when I got a romantic comedy/drama.  What is happening to the movie industry? Calm the sex down a bit.  It isn't really necessary to have it all hanging out there.  Doris Day and Rock Hudson didn't have to go at it on the screen for me to know that they had a strong sexual attraction/relationship/sexual appetite.  I got it all from innuendo.  Have some class and wit Hollywood!  Either that, or every one in Hollywood today lacks an imagination. Personally, I think both movies would have been a whole lot better with the porn or excessive sex scenes toned down or completely removed. 

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