Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Can I borrow a cup of sugar? Maybe a piece of cake?

Tonight, I noticed my neighbor posted something about a delicious chocolate recipe she was trying.  I jokingly commented: "Can I come over when it is done?!? That sounds yummy. Now I wish I hadn't eaten my body weight in Thin Mints a minute ago!"  She did invite me over.  I got cake and chocolate red wine and a great conversation.  It is so nice to actually sit down and chat with a neighbor.  She is one of the two people I know in the building.  Both of us love to bake and are really into healthy food and baking (with all natural ingredients and attempting to not pollute ourselves with all the fake, chemical additives in many processed foods).  It was a fun time.  Now I am super tired and in need of a few good hours of sleep.  I don't know if I can even stay up to read a few pages of my book.  Who am I kidding, of course I can read a few pages!

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