Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Walk New Ground

Oh my, it seems the internet just doesn't want to cooperate! 
I'll make this short. 

Work - long.
Yoga - ouch/sweat (literally, everyone was pouring sweat).
Dinner - ugh, my tummy and head hurt.
DWTS - Oh Max.
Cleaning - necessary evil.
Now - REALLY tired.

That isn't all that true.  I actually really like to clean.  I really like cleaning carpets :D  I also ate something that had already given me a stomach ache the first time I tried it.  Most exciting about today were the two amazon packages I had waiting outside my door.  That smile on the box really does make your day.  Now I just have to wait for England, Their England.  YES!  I got my Ahnu shoes today and I really love them.  They feel amazing on my feet.  They are way better than the sketchers that I purchased with the thought that they'd be a comfy walking/slip on and go shoe.  These shoes deliver - I am so happy that I saw them in the Yoga Journal.  What really impressed me about the shoe was the "catch phrase" that was written on the box: "Walk New Ground."  I like it.   I think if should be my motto/mantra.  If there is something that I really want to do with my life, it is to never stop exploring and "walking new ground."  This world is so amazing and I want to meet as many people and see as many things and do all the things it is feasibly possible for me to do.

So go out there and walk new ground.

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