Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Mine, Mine, MINE

I am beginning to disgust myself.  Honestly, I was finding flakes of my skin around the office.  Someone could track me by the trail of skin I am dropping.  I think I'm going to have to wear tight pants under my work trousers because I'm sick of going around and cleaning my flesh up off the floor.

Now that I've covered that gruesomeness, on to Criminal Minds!  They gave Reid a GIRLFRIEND and she said "I love you."  I'm crying on the inside.  He is so meant to be MINE!  My precious, skinny, issue-filled, nerd - Mine, Mine, MINE! I'm really interested in finding out what the heck is wrong with her.  If you remember, I suggested they get him a librarian girlfriend, not a chick with issues.  *Upset* - that boy deserves to be happy and issue free.  I know that doesn't make the best tv, but please, he needs no additional issues!


Also, I just need to put this out there.  People of WI, put the guns down!  WTF?  Three shootings in like two months?!?  Not to mention, two of them were within days of each other.  Not only that, but I'm pretty sure that there is a serial killer operating in WI again.  I need to move.  Rifle hunting season is starting soon - ugh.  Let's get through that with no disasters, please!  In all seriousness, my heart goes out to the family, friends, and loved ones of those that have been victims in all of the shootings. 

1 comment:

  1. 1) we just watched that part of Nemo last night (yes it's taken us 3 days to watch one movie). and 2) yes you should move. to MN. just saying.
