Tuesday, October 23, 2012


I am beginning to understand why snakes are so cranky.  Well, besides being blamed, alongside women, for the expulsion from Paradise, shedding your skin with no hands has to suck.  My legs are peeling and all I want to do is scratch.  This is especially pleasant since it is my upper thighs and backs of my knees that are flaking away to nothing.  I feel like on giant itch between all of my insect bites, peeling scabs and sunburn!  I honestly thought I rubbed a hole in my flesh while on the stair climber tonight; thus, I am currently sitting on an ice pack.    It felt really nice to rub my legs down with some exfoliating cream.  The itching stopped for a brief moment in time.  I haven't had this problem in forever.  I NEVER burn, mostly because I avoid the sun like the plague and always wear long pants.  I think I look pretty good pasty; however, I think I could live with a permanent tan for Puerto Rican sun.  You should have seen my younger siblings freak out when they saw my skin peeling off in bits. Their black skin has never peeled and this is the first time one of their white family members have burned so much that they turned red and peeled.  There is a first time for everything!

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