Tuesday, February 26, 2013
Pillow Talk
I think the only thing I am testing tonight is pillow softness. I am so exhausted and a snow storm kept me from doing half the stuff I had to do today.
Monday, February 25, 2013
Nerdy Postmistress
I just started reading The Postmistress by Sarah Blake. I really am enjoying the storyline; however, I want to hurt the person who edited her book. If that person were my editor, they'd now be out of a job. I would be MORTIFIED if I had a book go to print and become a NY Times Best Seller and it have such stupid errors. If there is a new moon rising over the city, that means there will be NO moonlight glinting off the chrome bumpers. Also, if the scene before people are complaining about a guy in town leaving his curtains open and his lights on at night (Germans might see it) and the Post Office flag pole drawing attention to the coastal town's position, why are there people with their front porch lights on? SO CONFUSED! I have been putting sticky notes on all the parts that make no sense (in addition, of course, to all my favorite parts). I can't wait until book club and I can rip this book a new one! I also started in on a book about famous women in history. It is a very interesting read! I may just finish it before I finish The Postmistress.
Sunday, February 24, 2013
Solved: Extreme Cleaning
I guess I must clarify that the blog Two Cents is a continuation of Informed Decisions are to Blame. I also didn't watch a single thing this weekend. I didn't even watch the Oscars. I spent at least 16+ hours of my weekend helping clean and move my aunt out of her apartment. If I were a professional organizer, I'd have pulled a load in this weekend. Instead, all I got was a few meals and a some sore hips and knees. My sister and I plowed into the bacon tonight. It was so good with the French toast. I was also so hungry that I probably could have eaten my weight in bacon and not felt sorry. I've scrubbed and dubbed so much this weekend I barely have skin left on a few of my fingers. And I can't say I didn't watch anything. I think I watched about 3 hours of Solved: Extreme Forensics while working on a puzzle I started a long time ago. I went from having a few pieces together to having a few pieces left to finish. All the murder solving just made me have some slightly weird dreams. It was very interesting to see the ingenuity of the 5'4", 100lbs woman that killed and dismembered her 6'6", 300lbs boyfriend: she poisoned him with morphine and then wrapped him and tied him in a tarp before trailing the rope out the front door, through the trailer she was going to use to dismember and transport his body, to her truck's trailer hitch. She then just drove the truck until his body was in the trailer. CRAZY - both smart and incredibly disgusting. I can't believe that someone that poisoned would be brave enough to actually dismember the body. Ugh. I was really creeped out by a murder that happened in the boonies of Minnesota. The creepy dude burned the girl he kidnapped until there were just bone fragments left. *shudder* The saddest episode was about a 12 year old girl that was raped and murdered in the late 40s/early 50s (I can't remember for sure). One of her classmates was convicted and sentenced to die for the crime. The government decided to commute his sentence to life in prison. He was paroled at 24 but had to wait until just a few years ago for science to catch up enough to help him prove that he was innocent of the crime. Unfortunately, that means that poor kid spent the majority of his life with the sigma of rapist and murderer while the real criminal was free.
Thursday, February 21, 2013
Don't Wait Too Long
Relationships: Oh - I finally was able to go back and visit my gramps this week. He got moved into the unassisted dining room and had to new table mates today. I chatted it up with the new cohorts and they quickly warmed to me. They did offer their opinion on my unmarried and childless state: "Honey, don't wait too long. It only gets harder." Oh men in their mid-70s. Life is so much more different than when you were young and married and having babies by 18/19. They totally made my day. They even suggested I play hookie and stay for the accordion show that was going on that afternoon. When they left, grandpa told me that they would have never talked to him if I hadn't been there. I told him: "It's just your first day at this table with them, it takes some people a while to warm up and be chatty." He makes me smile!
Health: Yay - almost completely cold free. Just a little bit of sniffles. I'm getting a little anxious and excited: I am approaching a 30lbs weight loss. I'm pretty excited. Having lost 25lbs I'm already "skinnier" and much healthier than I was throughout my entire high school career. I wonder if I'll do something big for my 30lbs mark..I'm already going to Virginia and I may be taking off 2 whole weeks in April.
Career: Two weeks off in April brings me to my next big thing. The last two weeks in April my yoga teacher is offering her teacher training. I really want to do this! I need to do a little bit of thinking and planning, but I think I might just do it.
Health: Yay - almost completely cold free. Just a little bit of sniffles. I'm getting a little anxious and excited: I am approaching a 30lbs weight loss. I'm pretty excited. Having lost 25lbs I'm already "skinnier" and much healthier than I was throughout my entire high school career. I wonder if I'll do something big for my 30lbs mark..I'm already going to Virginia and I may be taking off 2 whole weeks in April.
Career: Two weeks off in April brings me to my next big thing. The last two weeks in April my yoga teacher is offering her teacher training. I really want to do this! I need to do a little bit of thinking and planning, but I think I might just do it.
Wednesday, February 20, 2013
Two Cents
Right now I am too tired to come up with a rant.
However, two things come to my mind that I feel need to be addressed.
My dad disagreed with me about the tattoo issue. Football players are more universal than musicians. My dad doesn't listen to Chris Brown, but he does watch football. I am calling a BS on my dad. The dude loves baseball more than football; duh, Baseball is a universal bit of Americana. Everyone knows baseball practically = America. So my dad loves baseball and the Brewers. Not ONCE have I heard him talk about Corey Hart, or Prince Fielder (*tear, he isn't a Brewer anymore), or Kameron Loe being a bad role model to kids. Frankly, he just doesn't really care about the artwork on any of the baseball players. It could also be that their uniforms cover the majority of their skin, but it doesn't meant that it isn't there or can be seen when they aren't on the field. There is a whole gallery of the Brewers showing off their tattoos - boy are some of them bad! But hey, it was their choice. If they regret it later, that is their problem. Get over it - people get tattoos. If you don't like them, don't get tattoos. Simple as that.
End of story.
Secondly, I'm surprised that so many people like the Bachelor or the Bachelorette. Seriously? It is modern day, legal, cock-fighting. I want to know if those girls would seriously act that way around a guy if she didn't have about 15-20 other girls she was contending with to "get a rose." Call me a femi-nazi if you'd like, but I can't stand to see women make idiots of themselves on tv. For what? That dude you probably won't give a flying leap about 2 minutes after the camera has stopped rolling; or worse yet, you are the one in love and he is the one going, "well, it was nice knowing ya - see ya!" My co-workers like to watch it and some of the patients come in and they talk about it every time I see them. I get told not to take the show too seriously, it is just fun. It isn't fun. It is degrading to watch, brain cells atrophy, and I feel being a woman has gotten just a little bit more ridiculous. Is that the kind of behaviour we want our young women mimicing? I am so glad my sister doesn't watch that show. I'd have to have a serious talk with her if she did.
The part I caught this week, as I was flipping through channels, went like this:
Girl: (instructing guy in a super high/giggly voice through physical/boot camp-esq drills) Drop and give me twenty. (sits on guy's back)
Give me another sit up.
Boy: (Kissing girl on every sit up)
Girl: (giggly...then stern) Give me another kiss. Kiss me harder!
*Turns channel to Bones before vomiting occurs. I rather watch a smart female scientist solve crimes than a woman titter and giggle in an attempt to seduce a man into liking her more than the other girls.
However, two things come to my mind that I feel need to be addressed.
End of story.
The part I caught this week, as I was flipping through channels, went like this:
Girl: (instructing guy in a super high/giggly voice through physical/boot camp-esq drills) Drop and give me twenty. (sits on guy's back)
Give me another sit up.
Boy: (Kissing girl on every sit up)
Girl: (giggly...then stern) Give me another kiss. Kiss me harder!
*Turns channel to Bones before vomiting occurs. I rather watch a smart female scientist solve crimes than a woman titter and giggle in an attempt to seduce a man into liking her more than the other girls.
Tuesday, February 19, 2013
Monday, February 18, 2013
Case for the Mondays
Well, I had every intention of writing last night. I thought about it several times. Then, the next thing I knew, I was cuddled in my bed, listening to the Mormons talking, and thought: "I didn't blog! Oops." It was too late to even think about getting up and starting a blog.
I think my body has suddenly become food intolerant. Every thing but carbs and peanut butter make my guts into a rumbly tumbly. Ick. All afternoon I felt like crap! This week needs to be over already!
Anyways. I watched Captain America for the first time. It was kind of cheesy beyond cheesy. I just couldn't get into it. It was too clipped and awkward, like a bunch of little bits thrown together that make a whole, yet somehow just leave you scratching your head! Yay - left open for a sequel...that doesn't need to be made.
Quick, the plot: Skinny boy gets beefed up with science experiment to make his body as remarkable as his bravery, becomes a PR plot tool (Captain America) not a weapon to end WWII, runs away from PR/bond tour to rescue the captured troops (including his best friend), Captain America is given his own team to do missions, all of which include taking down scary guy (Red Skull) who has been amassing super powerful weapons and lots of followers...did I mention that Red Skull was the first test subject of the serum that made Captain America so strong/super human. Not to mention - Capt. America's best friend doesn't make it back from a mission and he has fallen in love. In the end, he is forced to make a tough decision to save New York City from imminent destruction!
And I'm over it.
Guess what else I finally got over: The Pink Carnation. This book was steamier than all the other books put together! It was still pretty interesting, but the majority of this one was sexual. The first novel in this series is about the end of the Purple Gentian's reign as Britain's most beloved spy and the beginnings of the Pink Carnation. Not too much other detail to get into - Eloise, the present day researcher has managed to get her hands onto manuscripts that will help her with the discovery of the Pink Carnations identity and an important part of her dissertation.
Now, I'm onto The Postmistress by Sarah Blake. It is pretty interesting so far. Off to go read some before heading to bed!
I also want to leave you with a laugh. This video has me DYING laughing: odd hand gestures, way too much baby oil, awkward dance moves, bad clothing/hair styling choices, and every type of island race you can possibly put onto one island! Just enjoy a Monday laugh and know that tomorrow is one step closer to Friday!
Anyways. I watched Captain America for the first time. It was kind of cheesy beyond cheesy. I just couldn't get into it. It was too clipped and awkward, like a bunch of little bits thrown together that make a whole, yet somehow just leave you scratching your head! Yay - left open for a sequel...that doesn't need to be made.
Quick, the plot: Skinny boy gets beefed up with science experiment to make his body as remarkable as his bravery, becomes a PR plot tool (Captain America) not a weapon to end WWII, runs away from PR/bond tour to rescue the captured troops (including his best friend), Captain America is given his own team to do missions, all of which include taking down scary guy (Red Skull) who has been amassing super powerful weapons and lots of followers...did I mention that Red Skull was the first test subject of the serum that made Captain America so strong/super human. Not to mention - Capt. America's best friend doesn't make it back from a mission and he has fallen in love. In the end, he is forced to make a tough decision to save New York City from imminent destruction!
And I'm over it.
I also want to leave you with a laugh. This video has me DYING laughing: odd hand gestures, way too much baby oil, awkward dance moves, bad clothing/hair styling choices, and every type of island race you can possibly put onto one island! Just enjoy a Monday laugh and know that tomorrow is one step closer to Friday!
Thursday, February 14, 2013
I am very tired again. I think it is due to a complete lack of enough calories to keep me running (thanks loss of appetite), a cold, and several days of working close to 10 hours. So tired. Grammar and spelling, beware. I sent someone a text the other day while I was really tired; not once, but TWO TIMES I spelled 'crazy' like this: carzy. It was not a proud moment. Oh well.
Relationships: I finally got in to see my grandpa again today. I haven't been able to see him these last few days because I've been ill or working straight through visiting hours. I stopped by just to peek in and give him his Valentine. I ended up spending my whole lunch break with him; which was fine, I still wasn't very hungry. I forced myself to eat one of the power bars we sell so I wouldn't collapse during our busy afternoon. I got to see my boy this week - after a whole week of missing him! One of our patients brings in his dog. I love seeing Brett, he makes my DAY! Then it takes about 3 lint roller sheets to get rid of all of his hair.
Health: ick. cold and flu double whammy! I am excited to say that I re-did my measurements. The fattest part of me is now what the skinniest part of me used to be - heck yes! And while I do love my legs being so wickedly in shape (I lost another 1/2" off each of my thighs), I wish I'd lose inches off my stomach and waist!
Career: Sometimes, I enjoy my job. Sometimes, I can't wait for the weekend!
Relationships: I finally got in to see my grandpa again today. I haven't been able to see him these last few days because I've been ill or working straight through visiting hours. I stopped by just to peek in and give him his Valentine. I ended up spending my whole lunch break with him; which was fine, I still wasn't very hungry. I forced myself to eat one of the power bars we sell so I wouldn't collapse during our busy afternoon. I got to see my boy this week - after a whole week of missing him! One of our patients brings in his dog. I love seeing Brett, he makes my DAY! Then it takes about 3 lint roller sheets to get rid of all of his hair.
Health: ick. cold and flu double whammy! I am excited to say that I re-did my measurements. The fattest part of me is now what the skinniest part of me used to be - heck yes! And while I do love my legs being so wickedly in shape (I lost another 1/2" off each of my thighs), I wish I'd lose inches off my stomach and waist!
Career: Sometimes, I enjoy my job. Sometimes, I can't wait for the weekend!
Wednesday, February 13, 2013
Past Aggressive
I'm tired tonight. I've been putting in long days at work while fighting off whatever it is that is going through my system. I also apparently need to address my passive aggressive tendencies. I know it. I admit I have a problem. Now to find ways to deal with it. OMG - I just typed that and my downstairs neighbor just started playing the piano. Time to go test it out.
Tuesday, February 12, 2013
I for sure am not getting to those cinnamon rolls. I can't wait for an opinion piece, so I'll skip to Wednesday's "Say What"-ever I want blog. Today at work we got the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit edition. I hate that thing. I especially hate when girls say they are looking at it for the swimsuits. Really?!? Some of the girls aren't even WEARING ONE!
I admit that I am a person that has always struggled with body image. Still do and probably will forever. I don't think my mother has a good self-esteem and she wasn't able to teach her daughters how to love themselves. I love this image I saw the other day on the Girl's on the Run facebook page. It had Kate Winslet saying how she had never heard any of the women in her life say that they were proud of their bodies and how she makes sure to teach her daughter how to appreciate her body for what it is, not isn't.
I wish we had more role models like Kate Winslet who say: I don't have "perfect" boobs. I can completely understand because I don't either. I look more like "balogna Barb" in Pitch Perfect to be honest. I'm a little sad this girl was mocked for her different body. It is extremely awkward with her going braless, but I give this girl kodos because she will probably be forever known as the girl with bologna tits. I know, I know - overshare! Heck, if this blog post makes one girl feel a little less like: "omg, I'm a freak because I'm the only one with a body like this!" -I did what I had hoped to do.
I need to "breath in love and breath out jealousy; breath in peace and breath out insecurity." - Renee knew exactly what I needed to hear at that moment. Yoga with her and my other teachers have made me appreciate my body for all the wonderful things it can do, not just fitting into the body norms of the moment. I shouldn't have to feel that I would be considered beautiful if only I'd been born around the time of the Renaissance. Heck, if I'd been a few decades earlier, I'd probably have been considered too skinny! Marilyn Monroe wasn't Kate Upton sized. She had great undergarments and killer curves to her not size zero body.
PS: Yes, that is Marilyn's wide booty. |
I can say I'm grateful for a body that still moves. I can run, walk, skip. It just powered through an amazing session of yoga that left my legs a little jiggly by the end. Despite the slight cold I have, I'm healthy. I have teeth that are healthy and well cared for - which is a perfect accesory for the smile I typically have plastered across my face. My feet keep me well founded when I'm doing yoga and running or trying something like surfing! I am beautiful because I am me and there is only one like me out there.
*Now seems like a good time to put on Beautiful by Xtina and sing it for all it's worth!*
An exciting side note: My review of Samatahiti finally got posted on TripAdvisor. Check it out and don't laugh at my grammatical error. Remember I was typing that thing up with one finger out of action. Come on, who doesn't want to surf and do yoga in such an amazing place with such amazing people?!?
Monday, February 11, 2013
Steamy Pinky
I'm going to try and make this quick and painless. I've already had a nice hot bath to "steam myself" and my sleepy time sinus soother tea. Nothing like being sick and not really being able to miss work. Oh, the "steam yourself" prescription comes straight to you from Scotland. No wonder I was sick the whole time I was there and in order to "get me better" when I got home, I had to go on about three rounds of antibiotics and steroids at the same time.
Anyways, I haven't finished a book yet. I've been a little busy with other things recently. I spent most of yesterday afternoon in bed reading and not getting the nap I so desperately needed. When you wake up at 5:30am, try to go back to sleep and have creepy nightmares, wake up again and hear your nephew begging for cinnamon rolls, you do your best to get up and make him some. Even if that means heading to the store at 6:30am and then finally having to buy said cinnamon rolls around 10am because the yeast you had just wouldn't proof and your dough is just icky after an hour of letting it attempt to rise. I'm about three-quarters of the way through The Pink Carnation. I'm going to go crawl into bed now before I lose all grasp on grammar and spelling.
Tomorrow. I am taking on those stupid cinnamon rolls again. I'm going to make heart cinnamon rolls if it kills me!
Anyways, I haven't finished a book yet. I've been a little busy with other things recently. I spent most of yesterday afternoon in bed reading and not getting the nap I so desperately needed. When you wake up at 5:30am, try to go back to sleep and have creepy nightmares, wake up again and hear your nephew begging for cinnamon rolls, you do your best to get up and make him some. Even if that means heading to the store at 6:30am and then finally having to buy said cinnamon rolls around 10am because the yeast you had just wouldn't proof and your dough is just icky after an hour of letting it attempt to rise. I'm about three-quarters of the way through The Pink Carnation. I'm going to go crawl into bed now before I lose all grasp on grammar and spelling.
Tomorrow. I am taking on those stupid cinnamon rolls again. I'm going to make heart cinnamon rolls if it kills me!
Thursday, February 7, 2013
Winkie Face ;)
Relationships: I had a rather an awkward situation this week. Last weekend after Trivia, I had gone out with a majority of my team. I had given my number to the girl on my team, mostly because she was looking for more babysitter options and I suggested my sister. Hello, extra gigs for my sis' - I know she likes cash in her pockets. This lady then gave my number to the one single guy on our team. Thanks, I wanted a 34 year old whom I did not give my number to to awkwardly text me while I'm at work on a Tuesday to ask me on a date. If you are older, were not actually given the girl's number, and feel the need to use emoticons (esp. the winkie face ;) ), you probably aren't going to get an acquiescence. Just an added tidbit: it probably isn't best to have mentioned your younger, hot boss whom you quoted Sir Mix-a-Lot to when she said she was a little heavier after the holiday (because I know you all were wondering what he quoted: "well Cosmo says your fat, but I ain't down with that"). Not to mention I've had an older married man acting a little weird around me. Really, the only relationship I'm totally focused on now is my grandfather.
My grandfather isn't doing that well and after losing several loved ones in January, I really don't want to miss a moment with him. Today I stopped over on my lunch and helped him with his. It was his first day at the nursing home and I hope I made it a little better. I walked in and he was struggling with trying to take a drink of his juice. They really need to make sure every drink they give him has a straw in it. I tried getting him to eat the chicken dumpling soup and his green beans but he didn't want any of it. I got two mouthfuls of soup (he was sick of chicken) and a few mouthfuls of green beans in; he did, however, eat all of his vanilla pudding. Who am I to make him eat his vegetables? He lost his wife last week, had a stroke, and got moved into a nursing home. I'm pretty sure I'd have eaten my way through 10 tubs of ice cream and gobs of cookies by now. I met my grandpa's roommate too. I wanted to give that poor guy a hug! His name is Thomas and he is Latin. No one cares to call him Thomas (with the accent), they only call him Tom. I made a point to call him Thomas (with the accent). He told me about his family and how his wife is in a hospital in Madison and he is at the nursing home. I could tell both being called Tom and being separated from his wife really bothered him. I think I'll go visit again tomorrow and take a book to read to them. I wonder if they'll both enjoy a good reading from the Bible. I'm sure they will - it has GOT to be more entertaining than the weather channel.
Health: My finger is doing much better. The glue fell off and I can sort of bend my finger again. I'm a little panicky it will never fully bend again. I had my hand adjusted today. I was hoping it would help with joint mobility again after being immobile for nearly a week. There was a point at the tip of my finger that he touched and I nearly jumped through the ceiling - it hurt so bad! He said I'm going to have to help my finger along with bending - a sort of rehab for my finger. It honestly was taking a lot of focus and will to get my finger to bend partly.
A happy health note: I've managed to get down to 156 pounds. Yay. I haven't been this skinny since high school, maybe even middle school. There is also a new class at the yoga studio taught by a former pro-football player. I'm pretty excited to go in for that and have him kick my ass!
Career: Just plain lost and confused. I know what I think I should do, it would just mean sacrificing some things that I really cherish. We'll see where life leads the rest of this year. I did get told that my doctor was lucky to have snagged such a smart, well-traveled, and nice receptionist the other day.
Ok, I need to be off to bed now. I got my new vacuum that I finally broke down and bought myself. I'm anxious to try it at my place. I already took it in to work and used it (I literally picked it up over my lunch break and took it back to work with me). It picked up so much nastiness. I can't wait to see what it picks up at my place. Ok, maybe I can skip knowing some of that nastiness. The break down factor to buying it was me finding a piece of sunburn peel still floating about my house. I am not a dirty person, I vacuum once a week or every two weeks. I just have a crappy $15 handheld vacuum that happens to have some attachments that make it look like an upright. It was sad really, especially when I thoroughly enjoy vacuuming - I considered carpet cleaner as a job. Umm, fun!
My grandfather isn't doing that well and after losing several loved ones in January, I really don't want to miss a moment with him. Today I stopped over on my lunch and helped him with his. It was his first day at the nursing home and I hope I made it a little better. I walked in and he was struggling with trying to take a drink of his juice. They really need to make sure every drink they give him has a straw in it. I tried getting him to eat the chicken dumpling soup and his green beans but he didn't want any of it. I got two mouthfuls of soup (he was sick of chicken) and a few mouthfuls of green beans in; he did, however, eat all of his vanilla pudding. Who am I to make him eat his vegetables? He lost his wife last week, had a stroke, and got moved into a nursing home. I'm pretty sure I'd have eaten my way through 10 tubs of ice cream and gobs of cookies by now. I met my grandpa's roommate too. I wanted to give that poor guy a hug! His name is Thomas and he is Latin. No one cares to call him Thomas (with the accent), they only call him Tom. I made a point to call him Thomas (with the accent). He told me about his family and how his wife is in a hospital in Madison and he is at the nursing home. I could tell both being called Tom and being separated from his wife really bothered him. I think I'll go visit again tomorrow and take a book to read to them. I wonder if they'll both enjoy a good reading from the Bible. I'm sure they will - it has GOT to be more entertaining than the weather channel.
Health: My finger is doing much better. The glue fell off and I can sort of bend my finger again. I'm a little panicky it will never fully bend again. I had my hand adjusted today. I was hoping it would help with joint mobility again after being immobile for nearly a week. There was a point at the tip of my finger that he touched and I nearly jumped through the ceiling - it hurt so bad! He said I'm going to have to help my finger along with bending - a sort of rehab for my finger. It honestly was taking a lot of focus and will to get my finger to bend partly.
A happy health note: I've managed to get down to 156 pounds. Yay. I haven't been this skinny since high school, maybe even middle school. There is also a new class at the yoga studio taught by a former pro-football player. I'm pretty excited to go in for that and have him kick my ass!
Career: Just plain lost and confused. I know what I think I should do, it would just mean sacrificing some things that I really cherish. We'll see where life leads the rest of this year. I did get told that my doctor was lucky to have snagged such a smart, well-traveled, and nice receptionist the other day.
Ok, I need to be off to bed now. I got my new vacuum that I finally broke down and bought myself. I'm anxious to try it at my place. I already took it in to work and used it (I literally picked it up over my lunch break and took it back to work with me). It picked up so much nastiness. I can't wait to see what it picks up at my place. Ok, maybe I can skip knowing some of that nastiness. The break down factor to buying it was me finding a piece of sunburn peel still floating about my house. I am not a dirty person, I vacuum once a week or every two weeks. I just have a crappy $15 handheld vacuum that happens to have some attachments that make it look like an upright. It was sad really, especially when I thoroughly enjoy vacuuming - I considered carpet cleaner as a job. Umm, fun!
Wednesday, February 6, 2013
World Doom and Bob
Bob Marley,
Puerto Rico,
World Doom
Tuesday, February 5, 2013
It has been a super trying past couple of days. My poor finger just wants to bend. I long to bend my fingers. ALL of my fingers. The joints of my ring and pinkie finger just ache from being straight all the time. Not to mention, I still have to attempt to function at my job, which includes writing and typing. All the added strain on the rest of my hand to pick up the slack is starting to make every thing else hurt. Who knew that brushing your teeth would be so freaking hard without the ability to bend the last two fingers on your hand?!? I though attempting to wash my hair would be the hardest part, but I think brushing my teeth tops the list of sucky things to do without being able to bend my ring finger. It takes so much concentration now - might as well switch to my left hand for a while! That takes a lot of concentration too, ugh. Stupid medical glue, when are you going to fall off?
Monday, February 4, 2013
My Gift is my Curse
Having lost two grandmothers in January, I thought I was leaving a bad month for one with so much more promise. Little did I know I'd start the first day of the month off with a pretty epic day on the clutz scale. A comedy was exactly what I needed to perk me up. My sister and I rented Pitch Perfect and ended up watching it twice because we loved it so much!
Pitch Perfect is the story of Becca's freshman year of college. She is going to the school her father teaches at despite the fact that she would rather be working on the bottom wrongs of the music industry out in LA. Her father makes a deal with her: if she joins a club and still doesn't like college at the end of the year, she may quit college and he will help her move to LA. She has already been approached by the ladies of the Barten Bellas a cappella group. She decides to join the group and as the competition the need for change becomes more and more apparent to Becca. Not only can the first year of college be pretty stressful, she has a fellow freshman, coworker at the radio station, and a cappella competitor that is quite taken with her. Becca and the other Bellas want to do all that it takes to win - what will they have to change and overcome to get to the top!
*Note: if you are easily queasy, you might not want to watch. There are a couple of scenes where projectile vomit makes a gag worthy appearance.
Also, I'm still working on the next books in my stack: Why We Say It, The Postmistress, and The Pink Carnation.
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