Thursday, February 7, 2013

Winkie Face ;)

Relationships:  I had a rather an awkward situation this week.  Last weekend after Trivia, I had gone out with a majority of my team.  I had given my number to the girl on my team, mostly because she was looking for more babysitter options and I suggested my sister.  Hello, extra gigs for my sis' - I know she likes cash in her pockets.    This lady then gave my number to the one single guy on our team.  Thanks, I wanted a 34 year old whom I did not give my number to to awkwardly text me while I'm at work on a Tuesday to ask me on a date.   If you are older, were not actually given the girl's number, and feel the need to use emoticons (esp. the winkie face ;) ), you probably aren't going to get an acquiescence.  Just an added tidbit: it probably isn't best to have mentioned your younger, hot boss whom you quoted Sir Mix-a-Lot to when she said she was a little heavier after the holiday (because I know you all were wondering what he quoted: "well Cosmo says your fat, but I ain't down with that").   Not to mention I've had an older married man acting a little weird around me.  Really, the only relationship I'm totally focused on now is my grandfather. 

My grandfather isn't doing that well and after losing several loved ones in January, I really don't want to miss a moment with him.  Today I stopped over on my lunch and helped him with his.  It was his first day at the nursing home and I hope I made it a little better.  I walked in and he was struggling with trying to take a drink of his juice.  They really need to make sure every drink they give him has a straw in it. I tried getting him to eat the chicken dumpling soup and his green beans but he didn't want any of it.  I got two mouthfuls of soup (he was sick of chicken) and a few mouthfuls of green beans in; he did, however, eat all of his vanilla pudding.  Who am I to make him eat his vegetables?  He lost his wife last week, had a stroke, and got moved into a nursing home.  I'm pretty sure I'd have eaten my way through 10 tubs of ice cream and gobs of cookies by now.  I met my grandpa's roommate too.  I wanted to give that poor guy a hug!  His name is Thomas and he is Latin.  No one cares to call him Thomas (with the accent), they only call him Tom.  I made a point to call him Thomas (with the accent).  He told me about his family and how his wife is in a hospital in Madison and he is at the nursing home.  I could tell both being called Tom and being separated from his wife really bothered him.  I think I'll go visit again tomorrow and take a book to read to them.  I wonder if they'll both enjoy a good reading from the Bible.  I'm sure they will - it has GOT to be more entertaining than the weather channel.

Health: My finger is doing much better.  The glue fell off and I can sort of bend my finger again.  I'm a little panicky it will never fully bend again.  I had my hand adjusted today.  I was hoping it would help with joint mobility again after being immobile for nearly a week.  There was a point at the tip of my finger that he touched and I nearly jumped through the ceiling - it hurt so bad!  He said I'm going to have to help my finger along with bending - a sort of rehab for my finger.  It honestly was taking a lot of focus and will to get my finger to bend partly. 

A happy health note: I've managed to get down to 156 pounds.  Yay.  I haven't been this skinny since high school, maybe even middle school.  There is also a new class at the yoga studio taught by a former pro-football player.  I'm pretty excited to go in for that and have him kick my ass!

Career:  Just plain lost and confused.  I know what I think I should do, it would just mean sacrificing some things that I really cherish.  We'll see where life leads the rest of this year.  I did get told that my doctor was lucky to have snagged such a smart, well-traveled, and nice receptionist the other day.

Ok, I need to be off to bed now.  I got my new vacuum that I finally broke down and bought myself.  I'm anxious to try it at my place.  I already took it in to work and used it (I literally picked it up over my lunch break and took it back to work with me).  It picked up so much nastiness.  I can't wait to see what it picks up at my place.  Ok, maybe I can skip knowing some of that nastiness.  The break down factor to buying it was me finding a piece of sunburn peel still floating about my house. I am not a dirty person, I vacuum once a week or every two weeks.  I just have a crappy $15 handheld vacuum that happens to have some attachments that make it look like an upright.  It was sad really, especially when I thoroughly enjoy vacuuming - I considered carpet cleaner as a job.  Umm, fun! 

1 comment:

  1. Carpet cleaning would be a rad tad job! So awesome to have that soothing hum while you apply the cleanser one stroke at a time. Like mowing lawn, happy sigh!

    You take care of Grandpa! Make sure he doesn't get too lonely. For such a time as this are you there. Encourage, comfort, be sassy & make them laugh. Good grief, amaze them with trivia, you are so good at random awesomeness! Listen to their stories. That always makes someone's day :)

    Love you! p.s. your career could get on track even if you just worked in don't have to move to MN to get a decent job with insurance.
