Thursday, February 21, 2013

Don't Wait Too Long

Relationships: Oh - I finally was able to go back and visit my gramps this week.  He got moved into the unassisted dining room and had to new table mates today.  I chatted it up with the new cohorts and they quickly warmed to me.  They did offer their opinion on my unmarried and childless state: "Honey, don't wait too long.  It only gets harder."  Oh men in their mid-70s.  Life is so much more different than when you were young and married and having babies by 18/19.  They totally made my day.  They even suggested I play hookie and stay for the accordion show that was going on that afternoon.  When they left, grandpa told me that they would have never talked to him if I hadn't been there.  I told him: "It's just your first day at this table with them, it takes some people a while to warm up and be chatty."  He makes me smile!

Health:  Yay - almost completely cold free.  Just a little bit of sniffles.  I'm getting a little anxious and excited: I am approaching a 30lbs weight loss.  I'm pretty excited.  Having lost 25lbs I'm already "skinnier" and much healthier than I was throughout my entire high school career.  I wonder if I'll do something big for my 30lbs mark..I'm already going to Virginia and I may be taking off 2 whole weeks in April. 

Career:  Two weeks off in April brings me to my next big thing.  The last two weeks in April my yoga teacher is offering her teacher training.  I really want to do this!  I need to do a little bit of thinking and planning, but I think I might just do it.

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