Monday, February 18, 2013

Case for the Mondays

Well, I had every intention of writing last night.  I thought about it several times.  Then, the next thing I knew, I was cuddled in my bed, listening to the Mormons talking, and thought: "I didn't blog! Oops."  It was too late to even think about getting up and starting a blog.

I think my body has suddenly become food intolerant.  Every thing but carbs and peanut butter make my guts into a rumbly tumbly.  Ick.  All afternoon I felt like crap! This week needs to be over already!

Anyways.   I watched Captain America for the first time.  It was kind of cheesy beyond cheesy.  I just couldn't get into it.  It was too clipped and awkward, like a bunch of little bits thrown together that make a whole, yet somehow just leave you scratching your head!  Yay - left open for a sequel...that doesn't need to be made.
Quick, the plot: Skinny boy gets beefed up with science experiment to make his body as remarkable as his bravery, becomes a PR plot tool (Captain America) not a weapon to end WWII, runs away from PR/bond tour to rescue the captured troops (including his best friend), Captain America is given his own team to do missions, all of which include taking down scary guy (Red Skull) who has been amassing super powerful weapons and lots of followers...did I mention that Red Skull was the first test subject of the serum that made Captain America so strong/super human.  Not to mention - Capt. America's best friend doesn't make it back from a mission and he has fallen in love.  In the end, he is forced to make a tough decision to save New York City from imminent destruction!
And I'm over it.

Guess what else I finally got over: The Pink Carnation.  This book was steamier than all the other books put together!  It was still pretty interesting, but the majority of this one was sexual. The first novel in this series is about the end of the Purple Gentian's reign as Britain's most beloved spy and the beginnings of the Pink Carnation.  Not too much other detail to get into - Eloise, the present day researcher has managed to get her hands onto manuscripts that will help her with the discovery of the Pink Carnations identity and an important part of her dissertation.

Now, I'm onto The Postmistress by Sarah Blake.  It is pretty interesting so far.  Off to go read some before heading to bed!

I also want to leave you with a laugh.  This video has me DYING laughing: odd hand gestures, way too much baby oil, awkward dance moves, bad clothing/hair styling choices, and every type of island race you can possibly put onto one island!  Just enjoy a Monday laugh and know that tomorrow is one step closer to Friday!

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