So the news lately has been a cheerful reflection of world doom: North Korea plotting our destruction, our economy may never recover with 100% increases in inflation for the next several years, Donald Driver is retiring, and yet another snow storm to make things sucky. I'm beginning to think those doomsday preppers might be on to something. Heck, I'll just move to Puerto Rico and chill on the beach with my pooches. Really, I am too tired to really care at this moment (except for the loss of Donald - I could probably ditch my brother saying Donald's McDonalds every time we pass one, but he will be missed on the frozen tundra). If I can survive one day at a time, I'll know "every little thing" will be alright. By the way, Happy Birthday Bob Marley. Honestly, I don't know why I spent so long avoiding your music. Maybe more and more news agencies should listen to Bob once a week. I'm pretty sure the news would be a little happier (without the inclusion of weed). Oh, interesting side note on weed: adolescents who smoke weed are more likely to have strokes (
says a report from New Zealand). There was a rather scary CNN article where a girl had such a bad round of mini-strokes she was living on life support. Miracle of miracles, she stayed alive and began to recover after her parents decided to take her off life support; however, her life completely sucks compared to the happy life she was living before smoking the weed. Note, I don't support the use of any drug, I just find it interesting that this report comes out shortly after a few states have legalized the recreational use of weed for adults.
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