Thursday, February 14, 2013


I am very tired again.  I think it is due to a complete lack of enough calories to keep me running (thanks loss of appetite), a cold, and several days of working close to 10 hours.  So tired.  Grammar and spelling, beware.  I sent someone a text the other day while I was really tired; not once, but TWO TIMES I spelled 'crazy' like this: carzy.  It was not a proud moment.  Oh well.

Relationships: I finally got in to see my grandpa again today.  I haven't been able to see him these last few days because I've been ill or working straight through visiting hours.  I stopped by just to peek in and give him his Valentine.  I ended up spending my whole lunch break with him; which was fine, I still wasn't very hungry.  I forced myself to eat one of the power bars we sell so I wouldn't collapse during our busy afternoon.  I got to see my boy this week - after a whole week of missing him!  One of our patients brings in his dog.  I love seeing Brett, he makes my DAY!  Then it takes about 3 lint roller sheets to get rid of all of his hair.

Health: ick. cold and flu double whammy! I am excited to say that I re-did my measurements.  The fattest part of me is now what the skinniest part of me used to be - heck yes!  And while I do love my legs being so wickedly in shape (I lost another 1/2" off each of my thighs), I wish I'd lose inches off my stomach and waist!

Career: Sometimes, I enjoy my job.  Sometimes, I can't wait for the weekend!

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