Right now I am too tired to come up with a rant.
However, two things come to my mind that I feel need to be addressed.

My dad disagreed with me about the tattoo issue. Football players are more universal than musicians. My dad doesn't listen to Chris Brown, but he does watch football. I am calling a BS on my dad. The dude loves baseball more than football; duh, Baseball is a universal bit of Americana. Everyone knows baseball practically = America. So my dad loves baseball and the Brewers. Not ONCE have I heard him talk about Corey Hart, or Prince Fielder (*tear, he isn't a Brewer anymore), or Kameron Loe being a bad role model to kids. Frankly, he just doesn't really care about the artwork on any of the baseball players. It could also be that their uniforms cover the majority of their skin, but it doesn't meant that it isn't there or can be seen when they aren't on the field. There is a whole gallery of the
Brewers showing off their tattoos - boy are some of them bad! But hey, it was their choice. If they regret it later, that is their problem. Get over it - people get tattoos. If you don't like them, don't get tattoos. Simple as that.
End of story.

Secondly, I'm surprised that so many people like the Bachelor or the Bachelorette. Seriously? It is modern day, legal, cock-fighting. I want to know if those girls would seriously act that way around a guy if she didn't have about 15-20 other girls she was contending with to "get a rose." Call me a femi-nazi if you'd like, but I can't stand to see women make idiots of themselves on tv. For what? That dude you probably won't give a flying leap about 2 minutes after the camera has stopped rolling; or worse yet, you are the one in love and he is the one going, "well, it was nice knowing ya - see ya!" My co-workers like to watch it and some of the patients come in and they talk about it every time I see them. I get told not to take the show too seriously, it is just fun. It isn't fun. It is degrading to watch, brain cells atrophy, and I feel being a woman has gotten just a little bit more ridiculous. Is that the kind of behaviour we want our young women mimicing? I am so glad my sister doesn't watch that show. I'd have to have a serious talk with her if she did.
The part I caught this week, as I was flipping through channels, went like this:
Girl: (instructing guy in a super high/giggly voice through physical/boot camp-esq drills) Drop and give me twenty. (sits on guy's back)
Give me another sit up.
Boy: (Kissing girl on every sit up)
Girl: (giggly...then stern) Give me another kiss. Kiss me harder!
*Turns channel to Bones before vomiting occurs. I rather watch a smart female scientist solve crimes than a woman titter and giggle in an attempt to seduce a man into liking her more than the other girls.
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