Tuesday, February 5, 2013


It has been a super trying past couple of days.  My poor finger just wants to bend. I long to bend my fingers.  ALL of my fingers. The joints of my ring and pinkie finger just ache from being straight all the time.  Not to mention, I still have to attempt to function at my job, which includes writing and typing.  All the added strain on the rest of my hand to pick up the slack is starting to make every thing else hurt.  Who knew that brushing your teeth would be so freaking hard without the ability to bend the last two fingers on your hand?!?  I though attempting to wash my hair would be the hardest part, but I think brushing my teeth tops the list of sucky things to do without being able to bend my ring finger.  It takes so much concentration now - might as well switch to my left hand for a while!  That takes a lot of concentration too, ugh.  Stupid medical glue, when are you going to fall off?

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