Recently, I have been trying to find a way to bring my Boondock Saints shirt out of hiding. It is a little sad when my poor Boondock Saints shirt has been relegated to the bottom of my drawer. I love my Boondock Saints! I just can't seem to find a place that seems appropriate anymore. Not to mention people going crazy with the shootings lately - a shirt with two guys holding guns is kinda bad/insensitive. I wish people would just stop being idiots with guns. Take Oscar Pistorius, for example, your story sounds just like that: a story. Do you think I believe that you went back to the bed to get your gun and didn't happen to notice your girlfriend wasn't in it? You were too scared to turn on the lights but you didn't worry about shouting to your girlfriend to call the cops? She didn't respond once to all the shouting you were doing? I'm pretty sure at even my foggiest/dreamiest/my-eyes-are-still-shut-I-just-got-up-to-pee state, I'd tell my boyfriend to stop yelling, "I'm just taking a piss!" At what point did shooting the closed door of the toilet seem like a good idea? If that sounds like a good idea to anyone, you should never have a gun! What if the "intruder" had snatched your girlfriend and dragged her into the toilet as a hostage? Or heaven forbid, THERE WAS NO INTRUDER and therefore, no need to protect yourself with a gun. This is why we seem to focused on gun laws when we should be looking at our money situation. Seriously, don't just shoot anything that moves and scares you. This is the 21st century, not the Middle Ages or even the mid-1800s when sometimes your nearest neighbor wasn't for miles around. Most of us have a cell phone a hands breadth away, call 911! If you can scare a bear off by making lots of noise and making yourself as large as possible, what makes you think an intruder needs to be shot in order to be stopped? Fire your gun in the air if need be - but do we really need to live in a society where a kid can't sneak back into his own house, a kid can't walk down the street and simply reach into his pocket, and now, apparently, we have to worry about being shot for simply getting up to pee in the middle of the night.

Darn straight, I wore my Boondock Saints shirt to yoga. Peace, love, yoga and Boondock Saints. They all mix together! Not to mention, I then went and voted. I got a few stares, but it was more for my knee high argyle socks and my crop yoga pants. Oh well, someone has to look pimp in this frigid weather!
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