Sunday, February 24, 2013

Solved: Extreme Cleaning

I guess I must clarify that the blog Two Cents is a continuation of Informed Decisions are to Blame.  I also didn't watch a single thing this weekend.  I didn't even watch the Oscars.  I spent at least 16+ hours of my weekend helping clean and move my aunt out of her apartment.  If I were a professional organizer, I'd have pulled a load in this weekend.  Instead, all I got was a few meals and a some sore hips and knees.  My sister and I plowed into the bacon tonight.  It was so good with the French toast.  I was also so hungry that I probably could have eaten my weight in bacon and not felt sorry.  I've scrubbed and dubbed so much this weekend I barely have skin left on a few of my fingers.  And I can't say I didn't watch anything.  I think I watched about 3 hours of Solved: Extreme Forensics while working on a puzzle I started a long time ago.  I went from having a few pieces together to having a few pieces left to finish.  All the murder solving just made me have some slightly weird dreams.  It was very interesting to see the ingenuity of the 5'4", 100lbs woman that killed and dismembered her 6'6", 300lbs boyfriend:  she poisoned him with morphine and then wrapped him and tied him in a tarp before trailing the rope out the front door, through the trailer she was going to use to dismember and transport his body, to her truck's trailer hitch.  She then just drove the truck until his body was in the trailer.  CRAZY - both smart and incredibly disgusting.  I can't believe that someone that poisoned would be brave enough to actually dismember the body.  Ugh.  I was really creeped out by a murder that happened in the boonies of Minnesota.  The creepy dude burned the girl he kidnapped until there were just bone fragments left.  *shudder* The saddest episode was about a 12 year old girl that was raped and murdered in the late 40s/early 50s (I can't remember for sure).  One of her classmates was convicted and sentenced to die for the crime.  The government decided to commute his sentence to life in prison.  He was paroled at 24 but had to wait until just a few years ago for science to catch up enough to help him prove that he was innocent of the crime.  Unfortunately, that means that poor kid spent the majority of his life with the sigma of rapist and murderer while the real criminal was free.

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