Monday, February 4, 2013

My Gift is my Curse

Thanks Kaep for the reference; however, my gift of clumsy is such a curse to my poor body.  Not only did I face plant attempting crow pose last Friday, nope, I sliced my finger open on the joint of my ring finger.  I was making a pizza, finishing up my dishes while my lunch was cooking, and I started to wipe down the counters.  I picked up a little vase that I had candies in and started wiping down the outside.  Apparently that was NOT what the vase wanted to do because it decided to shatter and tear into my flesh.  I was bleeding pretty well and I began to freak out a bit.  I'm lucky I didn't hype myself up so much I passed out (yup, I do that too).  One thing I did discover about my kitchen: paper towels should always be MUCH CLOSER to the sink.  Needless to say, I spent a large chunk of time on my Friday at urgent care.  I got turned away from the clinic in town because they were too busy; as my finger is bleeding like crazy.  They at least wrapped it up before sending me on my way.  My finger was almost as purple as the bandage by the time I got seen.  Luckily it had stopped bleeding and I, unlike Humpty Dumpty, got glued back together again.  Thank Hippocrates someone in the medical community invented medical glue and I didn't have to get any stitches.  So my record of being an absolute clutz without breaking any bones or needing any stitches still stands (*knocks on wood*).

Having lost two grandmothers in January, I thought I was leaving a bad month for one with so much more promise.  Little did I know I'd start the first day of the month off with a pretty epic day on the clutz scale.  A comedy was exactly what I needed to perk me up.  My sister and I rented Pitch Perfect and ended up watching it twice because we loved it so much! 

Pitch Perfect is the story of Becca's freshman year of college.  She is going to the school her father teaches at despite the fact that she would rather be working on the bottom wrongs of the music industry out in LA.  Her father makes a deal with her: if she joins a club and still doesn't like college at the end of the year, she may quit college and he will help her move to LA.  She has already been approached by the ladies of the Barten Bellas a cappella group.  She decides to join the group and as the competition the need for change becomes more and more apparent to Becca.  Not only can the first year of college be pretty stressful, she has a fellow freshman, coworker at the radio station, and a cappella competitor that is quite taken with her.  Becca and the other Bellas want to do all that it takes to win - what will they have to change and overcome to get to the top!

*Note: if you are easily queasy, you might not want to watch.  There are a couple of scenes where projectile vomit makes a gag worthy appearance.

Also, I'm still working on the next books in my stack: Why We Say It, The Postmistress, and The Pink Carnation.

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