Monday, February 11, 2013

Steamy Pinky

I'm going to try and make this quick and painless.  I've already had a nice hot bath to "steam myself" and my sleepy time sinus soother tea.  Nothing like being sick and not really being able to miss work.  Oh, the "steam yourself" prescription comes straight to you from Scotland.   No wonder I was sick the whole time I was there and in order to "get me better" when I got home, I had to go on about three rounds of antibiotics and steroids at the same time. 

Anyways,  I haven't finished a book yet.  I've been a little busy with other things recently.  I spent most of yesterday afternoon in bed reading and not getting the nap I so desperately needed.  When you wake up at 5:30am, try to go back to sleep and have creepy nightmares, wake up again and hear your nephew begging for cinnamon rolls, you do your best to get up and make him some.  Even if that means heading to the store at 6:30am and then finally having to buy said cinnamon rolls around 10am because the yeast you had just wouldn't proof and your dough is just icky after an hour of letting it attempt to rise.  I'm about three-quarters of the way through The Pink Carnation.  I'm going to go crawl into bed now before I lose all grasp on grammar and spelling. 

Tomorrow.  I am taking on those stupid cinnamon rolls again.  I'm going to make heart cinnamon rolls if it kills me!

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