Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Facebook Fast

So, a few years back, I had to go off social media for a while. I didn't hate it. It was actually quite nice.

Now, I'm doing it for me.  I have been just not going on Facebook, Monday through Friday. I've been doing it for close to a month now. I do not regret it. Giving up Facebook has allowed me time to workout and blog again!  How crazy is that!  The main reason I wanted to start giving up Facebook, was to spend less time watching other people live their lives, and spend more time living mine!

It was also less hard to give up than I thought it would be. Even the notifications I get, I just delete. The first week, it would send me notifications.  Then it started to get desperate, I was actually getting emails from Facebook: Did you see this comment on "so-and-so's" post? "This person" posted, did you see it? I was like, geeze, clingy much? I go on over my weekends, but I spend less time doing it that I was before the Monday-Friday fast.

Now, I just need to spend less time on Pinterest and Instagram! Lol.

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