Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Getting Old

As my Pandora shuffled over to My Chemical Romance, I began to sing/scream the lyrics with all the punk/goth/rocker chick spirit I contain. At one point, I realized the tables have turned. At one point, I was the teen screaming about how I'd scare the shit out of my elders. Now, I am the one worried about the teenagers of the day. I'm not really scared about how they dress or what they listen too. I'm more worried that some can't figure out how to manager their money or seem completely oblivious to how things work. Some of the questions I answer for people on a regular basis has me so concerned for our younger generations. I'm not a parent, but I'm already fairly certain I won't let mine set foot in a school. When you've worked with people going to become teachers that don't understand basic principles of language or life, it makes you afraid. Especially when the younger years of child development are so crucial to brain development. I'm still pretty young at heart and I like to think I can still scare someone with my radical-ness; however, I have begun to realize how PG my life is. I can't complain, but seriously, when did I get old?!?

Oh Gerard ❤

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