Monday, July 23, 2018


I just finished listening to Wildflower by Drew Barrymore this afternoon on my way home. I liked listening to the stories of her life and getting to know a different side of her than what I see in movies and magazines. She seems like a pretty amazing person, determined not to repeat the mistakes of her past.  I got to see the side of her that produced films, hunted out stories worth telling, attempted to make pancakes, and the famous Toddette. I enjoyed learning about how her and Adam started collaborating together on films and how her film company, was worried about how well Never Been Kissed would do in theaters. I absolutely love that movie. And Charlie's Angels, I think I watched it like 20 times on repeat one summer.

One thing I did notice, is her hodge-podge of "god." She mentions astrology, Eastern religions, Judaism, and New Age.  And I guess I'd say "new age" is like someone saying, "the universe has blessed me with this new juicer." I did like that every curve ball life threw her way, she looked for a lesson...or at least was able to look back when writing this and find a lesson in her trial. Way to go Drew, I hope you find the one and true God some day.

PS: I also came across this song the other day while flipping radio channels.

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