Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Hole Lotta Love

I seriously have to love my little princess to still let her in the house.  She loves being under the covers and she chews when she's stressed.  Her favorite thing to chew on, other than me and the other dogs, is the blankets. I can only assume that she then tries to crawl into the holes she's made in the blankets, like she's making a nest or burrow. My newest blanket, that I bought last October, she managed to rip this giant hole into it. I finally took the time to try to fix it.

I had to take out the ripped stuffing and patch in a new piece of batting.  I then tried using stitch-witchery to hold the torn edges together. It never took. So I then pinned and tried to sew by hand just enough to keep it together while I managed it's bulk into the sewing machine. I ended up having to remove the pins and just take it slowly.  Some places the stitching is so close and tight, and then it gets loose.  Those were the places that it started moving easily through the machine. I had to do one spot twice as parts started to pull apart because not enough overlap was sewn together. The ripped parts are now closed up and I have my blanket back now. After I finished, I pretty much vowed that I didn't want to look at a sewing machine for a long time. Alas, she has a hole in my quilt that my grandma made for me.  I must fix that because I'll never get rid of my angel blanket.

Trinity seems to be happy that it's back again! I'm no Betty Crocker/Homemaker, but it was nice to be able to save the blanket and not just have to throw it away.

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