Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Inconvenience Fee

So I recently purchased something online and picked it up in store. I had to pay a convenience fee for them pulling it aside for me. When I got to the store, I expected to just pick up and go. However, it turned out to take about 15 minutes. I had already paid and just needed to pick up. I got pointed to the back of the store and told to go pick it up there. I had to walk passed the item on the shelf to go pick up. I also had to search for someone to help me. I was then told I still needed to go through the check-out to have it noted that I had picked up the item. When I got to the cash register, the cashier had no idea what to do. It was really quite inconvenient to pick it up. I went in thinking that it would be and in and out trip, but it was not at all. It seems that it must be really new to the store, because no one seemed to know what to do. I think I will just do with the going into the store and shopping now.

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