Friday, July 27, 2018

Polar Bear Dreams and Cardio

Favorite Song(s) of the week:

Favorite Quote(s) of the week:
"You actually had a gyno say your downstairs area was 'juicy'? I think there are better synonyms for that."
"Do you ever get any pain when you work out?" "You mean other than the pain in my soul when I have to do cardio?" "I feel the same way about cardio!"

Favorite thing done this week:
Biking to the library to pick up my back.

Favorite show/movie of week:
Didn't really watch anything this week. I watched some Property Brothers and Fixer Upper. I love HGTV

Favorite thing read:
I finally got Legendary!!! I am so excited. I've only read a few pages so far, but I am probably going to spend too much time this weekend reading it.

Favorite event:
Finishing cardio

Most inspired moment:
Writing up a description for the fund raiser I want to start...hopefully this weekend. I've been playing with the idea of it for years now, but the time feels right now.

Thought(s)/Epiphany (ies) of the week:
If I had any, they have all slipped my sleepy mind at this point. 

Weirdest dream: So I have had several this week. The strangest and funniest involved my dogs and what I do every day...walk them!  So I was walking down this road near my home, and where the actually is a sub-station, there was a lake. My dogs weren't on a lead. As we were walking by this, some panic arose and people started running about. There was a polar bear coming up and out of the semi-frozen lake by the road. I, also panicked, and began herding my dogs away from the lake. My two biggest, boy dogs, all scramble away with me.  My little Trinity Mae, with sass for days, walks up to the polar bear that just climbed up on to the land. She has her teeth bared and is snapping her jaws at it (like she does to her dad and uncle when they are play fighting). I quick went back and got, I'm not entirely sure. 
I think the dream stemmed from the fact that I put her out on her dad's lead by his dog house and had her dad in the garage instead. She literally chewed through the cable (one set to hold a 150 lb dog...and she is 60lbs) and ran into the garage and curled up in the kennel. 

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