Thursday, July 26, 2018


Physical: I just finished leg day and I am so exhausted. I didn't get up early and do it. So I cranked it out before bed. That, plus the melatonin, should knock me out. I have to say, I slept really well last night. I did wake up a few times, but only to change positions and fall back asleep. My bed looks so good right now.

I had my physical yesterday. It is good to keep on your health from all angles. Exercising, eating well more often than not, SLEEPING, and having regular checks.  It's always the healthy that you hear dying out of no where.

Relationships: My co-worker asked me if I'd consider Christian Mingle the other day. I heard that Christian Mingle is just a hook-up spot for "Christians." I don't know. I think I need to focus on me and what I need and what God's plan is for me. When I'm on the right path, I know I will get what I need. God won't hide it from me.

Career:  I got given a project to work on this week. It was amazing! Any time not having to be on the phone is some good time.

There have also been talks of home agents. I am hoping for this; it would add so much time to my day, not having to drive.  It also keeps me from having to drive during the winter and scary weather.

Spiritual: I heard an interesting sermon by Pastor Colin Smith with Unlocking the Bible. It's about forgiving people who don't repent. The point he states is that you don't have to forgive if the person doesn't repent. It has really made me think about forgiveness. I have some people in my life that are hard to forgive because they aren't repentant at all. His main point is that non-forgiveness doesn't necessarily mean anger/hate/bitterness. I like at the end, he says, if you even see someone on the horizon of repentant, run to meet them with love and forgiveness (like the father did for the prodigal son). There is a link to the sermon above. Give it a listen and see what you can glean from it. It's called "What God can't Forgive."

PS: My one big issue with it is how he states John the Baptist was preaching of repentance and about Jesus's birth. John the Baptist was only a few months older than Jesus.  We know this because Mary went to visit Elizabeth, John's mom. John the Baptist jumps in the womb when Mary enters (Luke 1:39-45)

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