Thursday, August 16, 2018


I have done so much adulting today. Loans, home visits, home offers. OMG! It's so confusing. And I feel little fluttery panics starting in my chest just thinking about it. I could have an accepted offer on a house within the next 2 days. Holy Guacamole! Am I ready for adulting? I don't know. It's all so exciting and terrifying all at once. All other areas of my life are temporarily side-stepping as I look into this first step of being a grown up all on my own. I mean, I've rented before and lived separate from my family before, but this is my first purchase! It's BIG news. Deep Breaths.
Whatever happens, I know that God has His plans for me. He's got my back no matter what I face. I also have an amazing family and parents that have walked with me every step of this process. I'm a pretty lucky gal.

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