Friday, August 3, 2018

Do You Need a Translator?

Favorite Song(s) of the week:

Favorite Quote(s) of the week:
"I like your dedication."
"Do you not understand me? Do you speak English? Do you need a translator?" - a guy to me. Actually, he just wasn't understanding my English.

Favorite thing done this week:
Finished my book and spending time with friends

Favorite show/movie of week:
Again, mostly just watched my workout videos

Favorite thing read:
Legendary by Stephanie Garber

Favorite event:
Planning the weekend with my girls
Watching the city band with my friend and puppy

Most inspired moment:
Looking at different online universities and trying to find the best one for me

Thought(s)/Epiphany (ies) of the week:
I'm tired of being lonely at night. 
I must start taking night classes, but do I have the time?

Weirdest dream:
I can't remember any from this week. I loosely remember one where a group of people were standing in a circle and walking towards me. It felt quite threatening. And then it was gone. 

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