Thursday, August 23, 2018

Work It

Physical: My workouts haven't been very good recently. I'm getting some quick yoga in over my breaks at work, maybe some before bed yoga. Between working 50 hour weeks, working on mortgage and home closing things, my nights and days are busy. I keep telling myself it is going to be so worth it come October and I'm in my own home. 

Relationship: I was recently reminded why it's a good thing to not let someone back into your life. I'm all about believing people having the ability to change by God's miracles. This was like: talk to person, next day, accused of horrible things...not worth it. I've got too many amazing things going on in my life to risk it on one person. 

Career: Work work work work work, hit me with that OT baby.

Spirit: I'm so glad I have my study I work on, a preacher I like to listen to during my commute to work, and my great church and dgroup. I'm also just humbled beyond belief by the blessing this home would be in my life! I can't wait to share it with others!

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