Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Home Buyer Course

I'm going to make this short since I'm exhausted. I'm going to be working 50 hour weeks through the end of September! It will be so worth it get handed the keys to my new home!  Which is part of the reason I'm up so late. I was working through Topic 1 of my Home buyer course. It's called Home Ready. If I take this course, I can qualify for a lower PMI (mortgage insurance). I was recommended it by the bank that pre-approved me for a loan. There is a cost of $75 but they stated they'd reimburse me for taking it once it was completed. Only like 8 more topics to go!

This first topic was all about Credit Scores and budgeting. Things I've had an eye on since 2009. Mom sat me down and made sure I knew how to manage a budget and could afford my expenses. I think she didn't want to have any of her kids land in any avoidable messes. I wish everyone knew about budgeting. It would be so nice not to explain to people that the majority of people get paid every other week and you have to plan for your bills.

It's been informative so far, but I've had all the basics on this first topic. I'm hoping to learn more and feel a little less scared/excited about home ownership. I know God wouldn't lead me down this path unless it was right. I trust the God has my back...and so does my family.

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