Thursday, August 2, 2018

Husband Hunt

Physical: I am skipping leg day today. I'll just push everything back. I went for extra long walks tonight and I'm already 400 less than my goal intake for the day. My body honestly needs sleep more than another workout right now.  Plus, I'm feeling pretty blue that for practically a month I have been eating a reduced calorie diet and working out...I'm sitting around a 3 lb weight loss.

My lab results had come back last Saturday. I specifically asked them to test for my thyroid function because I'm always tired and seem to gain weight when maintaining a healthy lifestyle. It is very frustrating. When my lab results came back, everything showed in normal range except Alkaline Phosphates. I googled, because of course, google has the answers.  It says reasons for low alkaline phosphates could be: malnutrition, liver issues, or hypothyroidism.  So I called up my doctor.  They said, oh, don't worry about it, everything else is fine. I think I better worry about something linked to poor liver function and malnutrition. My alkaline phosphates were at 16 and normal range was listed in the 30s. I think I may have to probe a little further to see what could be causing this lack of alkaline phosphates.

Relationships: I think I need to start a "Husband Hunt." I'm tired of being lonely. It would be so nice to come home to someone who'd give me a nice big hug and then share my burdens at the end of the day. I love coming home to my dogs; however, they are just big, lovable, completely dependent dogs that need me to care for them.  They need their walks, dinner, cuddles, medicine. It's a big responsibility, but I love them and I wouldn't trade them for any thing.

There are several couples in our neighborhood that walk together every night. Most of them hold hands and walk.  It is so cute.  I want that.

Career:  I started requesting information from Northwestern to take classes to get a Master's in Counseling. I'm nervous about it. I could get my Master's extending out over 12 semesters/6 years. I think 2 classes a semester could be doable. I wonder if I could do winter courses. I don't think I could do additional summer courses. We've been on mandatory overtime at work since mid-June and it will be going until the end of September. I think even adding one class to my plate over the summer months would be too much. We'll see what I decide. There is another online university that offers a Christian Counseling Master's; I want to look into that more too.

Spiritual: Some days, I just wish the Holy Spirit would just take over my body and handle some of this hard stuff for me. Like: "can you just take that pain away already? I'd like to be over it now," or "can you just tell me what I'm supposed to do here, that would be helpful?" I know the Holy Spirit cries out the prayer of my heart to my loving Jesus, even when my lips fail to have the words to pray. Thank you Holy Spirit for having my back.

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