Sunday, August 5, 2018

Books Rule and Movies Drool

I have not watched anything again. I think I may have to change Sunday Cinema to something else. It was easier to have movie reviews when book club met every two weeks; once for book and once for a movie. My life is now mostly ruled by dog walks and audio books. I listen, mostly, when driving home from work. While walking, I like to be present in the world and sounds around me. I also try to spend that time talking to God, but I get easily distracted. I like that I can also accomplish things while listening (however, I did go through a stage where I watched How I Met Your Mother while doing just about everything; a frame holder was great for propping up my tablet and watching while I did dishes).
So the long and the short of it is: I didn't watch a movie to review, but books are better anyways. :)

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