Wednesday, August 15, 2018


As I sit here, petting Toby, and listening to an audio book; I'm just feeling so blessed. I've been thinking recently about something my ex told me: "Having your life destroyed gives you a blank slate to start over." I've been thinking about it since I listened to a book where the wife got cheated on; her mom tells her, you have the ability to start from scratch again. I know I've been clinging to the pieces of what I had so tightly that all I do is cut myself with the tiny shards. It's a scary, big decision with how you want to rebuild your life. I don't know what to do since my imagination has always been active, it seems like I have a new construct every other day. As yoga teaches me, several small choices make up a large choice. I'm going to be working on focusing on how to rebuild myself into the woman that God and I want me to be. And that makes me blessed.

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